Sponsoring a horse, pony or donkey at Redwings is a fantastic way to support our charity and make a new friend in the process. Costing just a few pounds a month and with a huge range of Adoption Stars to choose from, including stunning Shire Cross Fox, cheeky donkey Arya and cuddly Shetland pony Tinkerbell, an adoption makes a great gift or purchase just for you!
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Sponsor a horse or donkey from as little as £2 a month via direct debit or make a one-off donation and you’ll receive a wonderful adoption pack.
What’s included
You will also receive our twice-yearly newsletter or children’s magazine so you can keep up with all the latest news from Redwings!
When our owner sadly passed away in 2011, Redwings offered to give us a new home so we could all stay together. At the request of our owner's family, we were all named after famous Gangsters! We love to cause havoc together - and usually get away with it because we look so cute! But although we like to act tough, we're really softies underneath it all and adore cuddles from our fans.
Location: Aylsham, Norfolk
Height: 7-8hh
Breed: Miniature Shetland
Colour: Multi-coloured!
I was just two months old when rescuers discovered me and over 100 horses, ponies and donkeys living in appalling conditions at Spindle Farm in Amersham. Sadly, many of my friends had already passed away. My poor mum Martha was so thin she couldn't even produce enough milk to feed me. I was taken to Redwings but was so weak I had to be carried off the horsebox. When news broke of the rescue, people around the country wanted to help and I became the face of a national fundraising campaign and a symbol of hope for the recovery of all the animals affected. Thanks to the generosity of supporters, me and my mum made a full recovery.
While I can still be a little shy because of my experiences, I absolutely adore a cuddle and will often cheekily ask for a bottom scratch - my favourite!
Location: Caldecott, Norfolk
Height: 9.3hh
Breed: Donkey
Colour: Brown
However, I didn't always have a flock of adoring fans lined up for autographs! I was one of a group of ponies rescued from south Wales in 2011. Our elderly owner was struggling to look after us and we were becoming very thin and poorly. Once at the Sanctuary, we were named after an Elvis theme and I was honoured to be given the headline name - obviously, because I'm the most handsome (I'm also very modest, if you can tell!). I have some problems with my eyesight but it doesn't stop me trotting along to the fence and saying hello to my supporters.
Location: Ada Cole, Essex
Height: 11.2hh
Breed: Welsh
Colour: Dun
I came to Redwings in 2010 with six other horses having been discovered in terrible condition. Very sadly, one of my friends had already passed away from the neglect they had endured. My former owner was found guilty of causing suffering and we were signed over into the loving care of the Sanctuary. I was very hungry, anaemic and was struggling with muscle wastage, but thanks to the TLC from the vets and carers, I made a full recovery and became a Redwings Adoption Star!
Location: Aylsham, Norfolk
Height: 15hh
Breed: Friesian
Colour: Black
Wacko and I are best friends having arrived at Redwings just two days apart! We were both terribly lonely but, thanks to our carers who introduced us to each other, we will never be alone again.
I had been abandoned by my owner on a livery yard and the landowner was doing their best to care for me. When they began to struggle, they approached Redwings for help. It was around the time of a certain Olympic cyclist winning medals at London 2012, hence my name! Meanwhile, poor Wacko was living alone with just his owner for company after the yard where he had been staying was forced to close. Donkeys need friends - we can become sick without friendship - and so Wacko was offered a home at Redwings. The team here thought we might get on....and the rest is history!
We live in a small herd of donkeys at Redwings Aylsham in Norfolk where we enjoy cuddles from our visitors, lots of love from our carers, and the odd ginger biscuit or two. Yum!
Location: Aylsham, Norfolk
Height: 11h (Wiggins) and 11.1hh (Wacko)
Breed: Donkeys
Colour: Brown (Wiggins) and skewbald (Wacko)
I came to Mountains Animal Sanctuary in 2011 (before it had merged with Redwings) having been rescued from Ireland with my foal Mouse, who still lives with me today and is never far from my side. We have a large field here, with our very own sandpits and beautiful trees which provide us with shade and great scratching pads - it's donkey heaven!
Location: Mountains, Scotland
Height: 9hh
Breed: Donkey
Colour: Skewbald (brown and white)
Sadly, there was once a time when I wasn't able to enjoy a good trot around my paddock. I was discovered in 2018 with incredibly overgrown hooves that were causing me extreme pain. I could barely walk! Sadly, my discomfort could have easily been prevented if my owner had allowed me to regularly see a farrier for hoof trims. Now safe at Redwings, my hooves are kept in tip top condition and I never have to worry about being in pain again.
Location: Ada Cole, Essex
Height: 10.2hh
Breed: Donkey
Colour: Skewbald (brown and white)
I'm one of the lucky ones because I was born at Redwings and have never experienced the suffering some of my friends had to face before finding safety at the Sanctuary, just like my mum Elsie. She was one of many ponies, horses and donkeys rescued from appalling squalor at Spindle Farm, Amersham, in 2008. The animals living there were starving and diseased, and many had already passed away. My mum was in foal and was taken to Redwings just in time to give birth to me. Because of her neglect I was very poorly when I was born, but I happily pulled through thanks to the care of the wonderful vets here who never gave up on me.
Location: Ada Cole, Essex
Height: 7.3hh
Breed: Miniature Shetland
Colour: Palomino
My carers tell me I'm very special because my mum Millie was a purebred Poitou donkey - a very rare breed of which there are only 400 left in the world! Very sadly my mum passed away from severe lameness issues when I was just a few months old. We had just arrived at Redwings with our fellow donkey friends Adel and Merlin, and my carers took great care of me and helped me through my grief. Just like my namesake Arya Stark, from the fantasy series Game of Thrones, I was very brave and overcame my sadness to flourish into the happy and playful donkey I am today.
Location: Oxhill, Warwickshire
Height: 10.3hh
Breed: Poitou Cross
Colour: Brown
Thanks to the love of my carers, I grew up to become a very beautiful and friendly mare (or so I've been told, hee hee!). I love the company of my two-legged friends but, because my mum was so malnourished when she was rescued, I will never be strong enough to be rehomed. However, thanks to the kindness of my adopters, I live a very happy and healthy life here at the Sanctuary, surrounded by friends.
Location: Caldecott, Norfolk
Height: 15.1hh
Breed: Trotter cross
Colour: Skewbald
I was just a year old when I arrived at Redwings in 2017 alongside 18 other Shire horses. We had been left to fly-graze (that is grazing on land without the landowner's permission) on a site in Kidderminster. When our owner didn't come forward, the landowner used powers under the law to find a new home for us and called Redwings. In the end, several charities came together in a 15-hour operation to round us up and safely transport us away. Six of the group, including myself, were taken to the Sanctuary. I've grown up to become a friendly and confident young horse (if I do say so myself!) and was given the grand honour of becoming an Adoption Star!
Did you know there is one fool-proof way of telling me apart from my Shire friends? I have a heart-shaped marking on my right hind leg!
Location: Oxhill, Warwickshire
Height: 17.2hh
Breed: Shire
Colour: Bay
Luckily our mums found safety at Redwings and I, Timothy, was born the day after the rescue while Cain came along just a few days later. I still need extra special care because I have a delicate tummy that sometimes gets upset. This doesn't stop me playing lots of games and getting up to mischief with my best pal Cain, as well as having lots of cuddles with our fans.
Location: Oxhill, Warwickshire
Height: 11.1hh (Timothy) and 10.3hh (Cain)
Breed: Donkey
Colour: Skewbald
As you can see, I'm a large Shire Cross living at Redwings Caldecott in Norfolk, but please don't be intimidated by my size. I'm a real gent and like to lower my head over the fence so my visitors can give me a nice scratch and a cuddle. I came to Redwings in 2010 as part of a large group of horses when I was just a few months old. My owner had sadly passed away and no one was able to look after us. Since arriving at the Sanctuary, some of my friends have found new homes through the charity's rehoming scheme, but I have a condition which means I experience stiffness in my legs from time-to-time and need to be kept a close eye on by the vets. It's very hard to mind when I have a lovely paddock to enjoy, plenty of friends and all the food, water and love I need right here.
Location: Caldecott, Norfolk
Height: 17.1hh
Breed: Shire Cross
Colour: Black
I was named in honour of the late Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee having been born at Redwings in April 2022. My carers even wrote a letter to the Queen to tell them all about me and she replied to say how happy she was! My poor mum Majesty had come to the Sanctuary after being hit by a lorry. While recovering from her injuries, she gave birth to me and luckily I was ok.
We're now both doing well, and I'm growing taller and taller every day. I'll be towering over my mum in no time! Although I currently don't live at a Redwings visitor centre, my carers thought it would be a nice idea to announce me as a new Adoption Star to mark the Coronation of King Charles in May 2023. That way, my amazing adopters will be able to support my specialist care and training, and follow me as I grow up!
Location: Special adoption
Height: Still growing!
Breed: Hackney Cross
Colour: Bay
Life wasn't always so much fun for me however. I was rescued from the horrors of Spindle Farm in Amersham in 2008. This was one of the largest equine rescue operations to take place in the UK at the time after animal welfare officers found over 100 horses, ponies and donkeys living in terrible conditions. I was extremely hungry and very weak.
Despite this very sad start, I thrived at Redwings and became a favourite among visitors to the Sanctuary. My love for interacting with visitors - and receiving lots of soothing scratches and cuddles - soon saw me become an Adoption Star!
Location: Ada Cole, Essex
Height: 16hh
Breed: Gelderlander
Colour: Chestnut
I came to the Sanctuary in 2022 after a kind person phoned up the Redwings team, having seen a young pony with an injured eye - that was me! A Field Officer visited me and it was clear that I needed immediate help, so she advised my owner to seek veterinary attention. Sadly, my owner was not able to provide the help I needed so she agreed to sign me over to Redwings.
As well as a severely injured eye, the Redwings' vets also discovered I was suffering from a heavy worm burden which was making me feel very weak and unwell. Apparently my health was in a 'pickle' and that's how I got my name! Thanks to the hard work of the vets, I soon recovered but sadly my eye was continuing to cause me a lot of pain so the decision was made to remove it to end the discomfort it was causing me.
Now I feel much better, have loads of energy and can't wait to meet all my wonderful adopters!
Location: Aylsham, Norfolk
Height: 11hh and growing!
Breed: Cob
Colour: Piebald
If it wasn't for the Sanctuary, I'm not sure what would have happened to me. I came here when I was just two days old in 2014 after my mum sadly passed away. Unfortunately, my owners were unable to provide the 24-hour care a newborn foal needs so turned to the Sanctuary for help which welcomed me with open arms. To help me learn the ways of becoming a horse, I was taken under the wing (or perhaps that should be hoof?!) of my foster mum, Maggie, and foster dad, Nico. Thanks to everyone's efforts, I grew into a very happy and playful chap, and I love to share my tales of mischief with my supporters!
Location: Mountains, Scotland
Height: 14.1hh
Breed: Cob
Colour: Skewbald (brown and white)
I was rescued from the horrors of Spindle Farm in Amersham when I was just six months old. Over 100 horses, ponies and donkeys were found living in appalling conditions with no food or water. Sadly many had passed away before their plight was discovered. I had never experienced how kind humans could be before so I was terrified when I first came to Redwings. Thanks to the TLC from the vets and carers, I overcame my terrible ordeal to become a friendly and confident pony - and a Redwings Adoption Star!
Location: Oxhill, Warwickshire
Height: 14.1hh
Breed: Cob Cross
Colour: Skewbald (brown and white)
I arrived at Redwings in 2010 with my Shetland pony companion. Our owner had sadly been struggling to look after us and could no longer provide the care we needed. Redwings was kind enough to open its doors and I now live at the charity's Caldecott visitor centre with a herd of other ponies and mules! You can spot me because my dark chocolate coat really shines in the summer sun.
Location: Caldecott, Norfolk
Height: 12.2hh
Breed: Mule
Colour: Brown
I came to Redwings in 2004 when I was just one year old. I was suffering from a nasty respiratory disease called strangles, which was making me very ill. My owner could not provide the specialist treatment I needed and was so worried for my health that she asked Redwings if they could offer me a home. Thanks to lots of TLC from the vets at the Sanctuary, I made a full recovery!
Location: Caldecott, Norfolk
Height: 9.3 hands high
Breed: Shetland
Colour: Rose grey
That's ok though because at a visitor centre I get to meet new people all the time! I originally came to Redwings with two companions from another organisation because they were struggling to find homes for us. The Sanctuary was able to offer us a home together and ensure our futures were secured. I feel like the luckiest pony in the world!
Location: Caldecott, Norfolk
Height: 12.2hh
Breed: Native Cross
Colour: Dapple grey
Whether you’re a fan of a good sing-song or love nothing more than snooze, find your perfect Adoption Star partner for yourself or your loved one!
For gift adoptions we will need to get a few extra details to know who to send adoption star updates too.
Your wonderful adoption pack includes a special certificate, stunning photo of your new friend and their story.
We'll keep you up to date on how you're supporting our vital work including sending your adoption star updates with photos and stories throughout the year.
We aim to send your pack as quickly as possible and you can usually expect it to arrive within five working days. However, delivery can take up to 21 days, especially in busy times, so please be patient. x
You can renew your adoption here or call our supporter engagement team on 01508 505246.
The majority of our adoption stars all live at one of our visitor centres around the UK.
Opening times vary, you can find all the details here. Entry is free of charge and as part of your adoption package you'll receive an invite to their birthday party at the centre where they live - yes really!
Monarch is a 'special adoption' who currently lives at a closed site but we hope you'll be able to visit him in the not too distant future when he's had a bit more training!
Of course you can! Adopting a horse or a donkey for a loved one or friends makes a thoughtful and unique gift – perfect for Christmas, Easter or birthdays!
When you come to purchase your adoption, you can choose to have the adoption pack posted directly to the recipient, or you can opt to have the pack posted directly to you so you can give the gift at a time of your choosing.
After many years as well-loved Adoption Stars, we feel it’s only right that these wonderful residents have the chance to enjoy a peaceful retirement in their golden years.
If your Adoption Star retires, it doesn’t mean you still can’t sponsor them. It just means we won’t be accepting any new sponsors for that particular Adoption Star. You’ll still receive updates from your four-legged friend and can give them a cuddle at the visitor centre where they live.