A college visit learning more about our behaviour and training work

Concerned about a horse? Call 01508 481008 or 01508 505246.
Did you know? A central part of Redwings’ mission is to promote the welfare and care of horses and ponies through the education of the public.
In simple terms, that means we want to spread the word about what horse-centred care looks like, and show everyone just how much fulfilment and fun our beloved four-legged friends can bring to all our lives.
We can talk about the history of horses and humans, we can talk about good welfare, we can talk about how animal welfare law works, we can talk about the basics of horse ownership – we can even talk about Redwings!
As well as a visit to one of our centres around the UK, we can also offer a virtual talk – we call them our REDTalks! We can offer the choice of a general Redwings talk or a talk about how we look after our horses based on their Five Needs.
Whatever the subject, if you’d like to come and visit us with your school or community group, or even if you’d like to connect with us through the magic of your computer screen, we’d love to talk horses with you!
This can be carried out via MS Teams or Zoom as you prefer (or contact us to discuss other options!) and can include a virtual 'Meet the Resident' which always proves popular!
If you are from a school, college or an equine organisation and would like a tailored visit, simply contact us to discuss your requirements so we can make sure we provide the best experience for your students!
We do not charge for group or virtual visits as we want to spread the Redwings message far and wide! You may, however, wish to make a donation or fall in love with one of our residents and choose to sponsor them as a group. This is a great way to support our work and to keep in touch with the Sanctuary. Meet our Adoption Stars.
If you’d like to arrange a visit in person or virtual, please fill in the form below.
A member of our team will be in touch to discuss your requirements to make sure you get the best possible experience. Please inform us on number of people attending as well as their approximate age range.
Please ensure you let us know which option you'd prefer, and if you'd like reference to any particular Redwings site in the talk. Allow a few days for a member of our team to reply to your enquiry.
* Indicates mandatory fields to complete.
We look forward to seeing you soon!