Become a SAW ambassador - just like Riding with Rhi!

Our growing network of ambassadors helps us reach horse owners who with your influence might start to get interested in the ways they can protect their horse and others.

Getting involved is free and simple - sign up and find out how you can be informed, inspired and make a difference for horses throughout Strangles Awareness Week.

Riding with Rhi and her horse

Get Involved

Become an ambassador for Strangles Awareness Week and help us reach more horse owners with our supportive campaign.

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Are you a vet/work for a vet practice?
Are you on a livery yard?
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Watch our brand-new Strangles animation

Can you spot yourself in this video? Are you and your horse at risk of Strangles?

How does Strangles manage to spread so far and so fast? Thanks to some fantastic research, funded by our friends at the Horse Trust, we can now link Strangles outbreaks not only in different counties, but in different countries!
Our brand-new animation takes a light-hearted look at some serious situations in which your horse could easily become infected. Watch the animation to discover why Strangles is never an isolated case and learn what YOU can do to make a difference and protect your horse.

Strangles Awareness Week brought to you by:
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