Concerned about a horse? Call 01508 481008 or 01508 505246.
Concerned about a horse? Call 01508 481008 or 01508 505246.
Our thirsty and hungry visitors value the extra boost a good cuppa and delicious food give them, before they set out to explore our beautiful site and say hello to our rescued horses and donkeys. Could you be an essential part of the team that keeps our café running?
As a Volunteer Café Assistant, no two days will be alike. With the emphasis always on customer care, you could be making barista style coffee one day, taking food orders the next; cleaning and clearing tables or replenishing bottle fridges and always taking the time to interact with our visitors about their passion and ours: horses of course!
If you can offer us some of your precious time, the visitor centre team would welcome you and support your training to help make our visitor experience really special.
If you would like to use your volunteering hours to support us at Redwings, please download the application form and return it to or complete the form below and submit.
Volunteer_Application_Form_2022.docx (DOCX 95 KB)
Please note, we are unable to accept volunteers under the age of 18.
* Indicates mandatory fields to complete.